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Hire Lighting Truss Package #2, hire Party Lights, near Lane Cove West
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Lighting Truss Package #2

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Vibes AV DJ



Lane Cove West, NSW, Australia
Fits in a Truck

Fits in a Truck

Should fit in the back

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0 - 200+ people


You're describing an event setup that includes a truss kit, various lighting fixtures, and inviting inquiries for set-up and pack-down services. Here's a breakdown of the information you've provided: - **Chauvet TRUSST-GOAL Trusst Goal Post Truss Kit:** - Size (Assembled): 11.2 x 3.8 x 7.7 ft (3.4 x 1.1 x 2.3 m) - This is a truss kit designed to create a goal post structure for hanging and supporting lighting fixtures and other equipment. - **1 x Eclipse Club 1000mk2 RGB Laser:** - The Eclipse Club 1000mk2 is an RGB laser that likely produces intricate laser patterns and effects, adding a visually captivating element to the setup. - **2 x Beamz LCB 252-MK2 Bar Light:** - The Beamz LCB 252-MK2 is a bar light with multiple LEDs, capable of producing various colors and effects to enhance the event atmosphere. - **2 x Beamz Multi Acis LED with Laser and Strobe Effects:** - These lights combine LED lighting, laser patterns, and strobe effects to create dynamic and engaging visual effects. - **2 x Chauvet Mini Kinta LED FX:** - The Chauvet Mini Kinta is an LED effect light producing multicolored beams and patterns, contributing to dynamic lighting effects. - **4 x Beamz LED Flatpar 1W18:** - These LED flatpar lights with 1W18 LEDs can be used for wash lighting and color effects. You're also inviting inquiries for a set-up and pack-down quote, indicating that you offer services for assembling and dismantling this event setup. This setup seems comprehensive and capable of creating an immersive visual experience for events. The combination of trussing, lasers, bar lights, LED effects, and other lighting fixtures suggests a versatile and engaging lighting display. If you have further questions or need more details about the set-up and pack-down services, feel free to ask!




September 2023

Vibes AV DJ were fantastic. Oscar was fast with the communication and really accommodating. Highly recommend!

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March 2023

Logo for Vibes AV DJ

Vibes AV DJ

Lane Cove West, NSW, Australia


until 17:00
Lane Cove West, NSW, 2066